Lab Members
Previous Members
Students, past and present

Lab Members



CNRS Group leader (Directrice de Recherche 2e classe)
2000-2003 Ph.D., F. Schweisguth lab, Paris
2003-2006 postdoc, D.L. Stern lab, Princeton
2006-2007 postdoc, A. Moore lab, Wako-shi
2007-2009 CNRS CR2 researcher, C. Dauphin-Villemant lab, Paris
2009-2010 CNRS CR2 researcher, M. Gho lab, Paris
2010-     group leader, Institut Jacques Monod


alexisl-pic University lecturer (Maitre de conférences)
Arrived in 2011
Development and evolution of lobe shape in the D. melanogaster subgroup




Jean-NoelResearch Engineer CNRS
Arrived in Sept 2021
Elucidating the proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2.



Research Engineer CNRS
Arrived in Jan 2023
Developmental instability and sexual selection, adaptation to chronic malnutrition during development.


Isabelle NUEZ

isabelle-picResearch Engineer CNRS
Arrived in 2011
Evolution of genitalia bristles in D. santomea. Evolution of Drosophila glue.


Michael RERA

CNRS Researcher CR
Arrived in May 2023
Understanding ageing through the end of life.


Savandara BESSE

Post-doc (Adviser: Michael Rera)
Arrived in May 2023
Understanding ageing through the end of life.



Roshan-photoCNRS Researcher CR
Arrived in Jan 2022
Developmental instability and sexual selection, adaptation to chronic malnutrition during development.




Previous Members

Manon MONIER (PhD and post-doc, advisor: Virginie) March 2020-April 2024
Michael LANG (post-doc and CNRS CR researcher) 2010-2022
Flora BORNE (PhD student, advisor: Virginie) Sept 2017-Aug 2021
Bénédicte LEFEVRE (PhD student, advisor: Michael) Jan 2017-Jan 2021
Jean DAVID (emeritus professor) 2015-2021
Aurélie SURTEL (technician) July 2019-June 2021
Alexandre PELUFFO (PhD and post-doc, advisor: Virginie) September 2013-August 2018
Olga NAGY (post-doc) February 2014-July 2018
Alexis MATAMORO-VIDAL (post-doc) January 2015-2018
Andrea ACURIO (post-doc) April 2015-Dec 2017
Laurent ARNOULT (post-doc) -May 2017
Stéphane PRIGENT (post-doc) -May 2017
Daniel VASILIAUSKAS (INSERM researcher)
Maria CARVALHO (visiting post-doc)
Rosina SAVISAAR (assistant engineer)
Charlotte CAINE (PhD student from J. Silber’s lab) Jan 2012-Dec 2012
Amir YASSIN (post-doc) May 2010-May 2012
Sophie MURAT (visting PhD student from Alistair McGregor’s laboratory) April 2011-Dec 2011
Géraldine GOUPPIL (technical assistant) Sept 2010-March 2011

Students, past and present

Ganiv KAUR – 2024 (Indian institute of Science Education and Research Mohali, 2 months)
Clémentine VERCASSON – 2024 (M1, Sorbonne Université, 2 months)
Fanta ALI BAGALE CHETIMA – 2024 (M1, Université de Lorraine, 2 months)
Emilio-Valente IMAD – 2024 (M1, Sorbonne Université, 4 months)
Romane PETIT – 2023 (L3, ENS, 1 month)
Rebecca POULLET – 2023 (M1, Université Paris Cité, 2 months)
Shahid Kahn ALVI – 2023 (M2, 2 months)
Tan DAWN – 2022-2023 (PhD collaboration, 2.5 months)
Clément BOUSSOU – 2022 (3e Collège Victor Duroy, 1 week)
Stecy MIENANZAMBI (M1 student, advisor: Michael) Oct 2021-Jun 2022
Sabrina BOUTALEB (M1 Université de Lorraine, 2 months) 2022
Louis MEVEL – 2021-2022 (L3 Universite Versailles Saint Quentin, 3 months)
Garance COPPIN – 2021 (3e Collège Alviset, 1 week)
Dongwoo CHAI – 2021 (Ecole Polytechnique, 3A project, 3 months)
Gauthier BEUQUE – 2020 (M1 – Faculté de médecine de Strasbourg)
Francesca PINTON – 2020 (M2 International Master in Developmental Biology at Sorbonne Université, 6 months)
Josué VIDAL – 2020 (M1 Univ Paris Diderot, 7 months)
Morgane PETIT – 2019 (3e Collège Alviset, 1 week)
Serhat BEYAT – 2019 (Bachelor, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, 1 month)
Virginia SOUPRAMANIANE – 2019 (L2 Université de Cergy-Pontoise, 1 month)
Ecem NURAY – 2019 (Bachelor, Bilkent University, Ankara, 2 months)
Dylan THORINIUS – 2019 (BTS 1e année, 2.5 months)
Weronika DOBROWOLSKA – 2019 (M1 University of Wroclaw, 4 months)
Mariam NOOR – 2019 (M2 Paris 6, 6 months)
François KHIENS – 2018-2019 (Apprentis chercheurs, 1 day per week for 4 months)
Maeva NKOUMBA NKOUMBA – 2018-2019 (Apprentis chercheurs, 1 day per week for 4 months)
Marine DELVIGNE – 2018-2019 (M1 EPHE, 6 months)
Adélaïde JAJOUX – 2018 (3e Collège, 1 week)
Josue VIDAL – 2018 (L3 Paris Diderot, 2 months)
Alexis MAGRI – 2018 (BTS Ecole Technique Supérieure Du Laboratoire, 2 months)
Gloria VEREBES – 2108 (Nurse diploma, 1 month)
Margherita BATTISTARA – 2018 (between M2 and PhD, 2.5 months)
Catline NOBRE – 2018 (L3 Univerité Paris-Est Créteil, 2.5 months)
Mathilde NOTIN – 2017 (Medicine Paris Descartes, 3 months)
L LADEGAILLERIE – 2017 (Collège, 1 week)
Sofian LACOSTE – 2017 (BTS Lycée Galilée, 6 weeks)
Loïc BODET – 2017 (M1 Pierre et Marie Curie, 1 month)
Quang Dinh TRAN – 2016 (Medicine Paris Descartes, 3 months)
Mehdi HAMDANI – 2016 (L3 Paris Descartes, 5 weeks, M1 EPHE, 6 months)
Jossian CABRERA – 2016 (L3 Paris Descartes, 5 weeks)
Kelly DE SOUSA – 2016 (M1 Paris 7, 2 months)
Melissa HAOUZI – 2016 (L3 Univ Tours, 3 weeks)
Sawssen EL OUISI – 2015 (L2 Paris 7, 2 weeks)
Agathe ZIDER – 2015 (Collège, 1 week)
Alice NAMIAS – 2015 (ENS L3, 1 week)
Andréa COTTIGNIES-CALAMARTE – 2015 (ENS L3, 1 week)
Ayca AYDOGAN – 2015 (Bachelor, 2 months)
Diane CATTE – 2015 (L3, 3 months)
Camille GUILLARD-SIRIEIX (L2 Université Paris Descartes, one week)
Sarah ZEROUALI-BLONDEAU – 2015 (L2 Université Paris Descartes, one week)
Sarah PAULUS – 2015 (Bachelor, 1.5 months)
Alejandra VARGAS VALDERRAMA – 2015 (M1, 3 months)
Felix FOUTEL-RODIER – 2014 (ENS L3, two weeks)
Konstantin BRODETSKIY – 2014 (2.5 months)
Sébastien FERRARI – 2014 (License Paris Sud, one month)
Flor RHEBERGEN – 2014 (M2 Institute Biology Leiden, two months)
Juliette ROYER – 2014 (L3 Université Paris Descartes, six months)
Laura SERENI – 2013 (ENS L3, two weeks)
Delphine TANGUY – 2013 (ENS L3, two weeks)
Vincent LUDGER -2013 (M1 Paris 7, two months)
Sabrina HENRIETTE – 2013 (M1 BioInformatics Nantes, two months)
Sadjo SIDIKOU – 2012-2013 (before university, four months)
Angela LA – 2012 (Sup’Biotech, two months)
Florian GOTTI – 2012 (Licence, two months)
Pedro HENRIQUES – 2012 (M1, six months)
Nada OMAR – 2012 (Licence, three weeks)
Pierre QUÉVREUX – 2011 (ENS L3, one week)
Amélie RAST – 2011 (two months)
Olivier BOMME – 2010-2011 (BTS, two months)
Anne-Charlotte MARSOLLIER – 2010 (ENS L3, one week)
Nicolas VIENNEY – 2010 (ENS L3, one week)