Link to register to this course

Planning for all M1 courses

ENS 46 rue d’Ulm, 75005. Third floor. Bring your laptop for the practicals. All courses are on Fridays from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.


Friday 27/09/2024: (V. Courtier-Orgogozo) History of Genetics, The Genotype-Phenotype Relationship (Slides) ; Genetics Exercices
Choose a Presentation Topic (Genetic Quirks or Biotechnology) on this document & Prepare a 5-min presentation. Include your slide and name in the Google Presentation Document.
Friday 04/10/2024: (V. Courtier-Orgogozo) Mapping the genes underlying phenotypic variation (Slides) ; Practical: Gephebase (Slides, Exercice), A list of useful Biology websites
Friday 11/10/2024: Student presentations: Genetic Quirks & Biotechnologies ; (V. Courtier-Orgogozo) Genetic biotechnologies and society (Slides)
Friday 18/10/2024: Interactions between several loci, Epistasis, Super Genes, Pleiotropy (Slides), Genetics Exercices
Friday 15/11/2024: (Jean-Michel Gibert) Phenotypic Plasticity (Course); Practical: Coat Color in Snowshoe hares
Friday 06/12/2024: (V. Courtier-Orgogozo) Genetic screens, Noise, Cryptic Variation, Robustness, Quantitative Genetics (Slides) ; Genetics Exercices

Friday 07/02/2024: 3-h Exam, no documents allowed.


Monday October 2, 9-12h: Genetics and the Genotype-Phenotype Relationship (Course), Mapping the genes underlying phenotypic variation (Course)
Monday October 2, 14h-17h: Gephebase (Course and Practicals), Leaf butterflies (Practical)
For Oct 9, please do the Genetics Exercices (pages 1-2 of this document) and finish the Annals “leaf butterflies“.
Wednesday October 4, 9-12h: Manipulating DNA, CRISPR and gene drive (Course)
Monday October 9, 9h-12h: Correction of the Genetics Exercices, Interactions between several loci, Epistasis, Super Genes, Pleiotropy (Course)
For Oct 16, prepare one slide and a 5-min presentation on one biotechnology. Please choose and indicate your name among the list here or ask the teacher if you would like to present another biotechnologyInclude your slide and name in the Google Presentation Document.
For Oct 16, please read also “Gene editing is not “precision breeding” and the term is misleading” and prepare several arguments for/against using the term “precision breeding”.
Monday October 16, 9h-12h: Biotechnologies – Student Presentations and Discussion
Monday October 16, 14h-15h30: Genetic screens, Noise, Cryptic Variation, Robustness, Quantitative Genetics (Course)
Monday October 16, 15h30-17h: Phylogenetic trees and their interpretations (Course, Practicals, Correction)
Monday October 23, 9h-12h: The Genetic Basis of Phenotypic Plasticity (Course Jean-Michel Gibert).
Monday October 23, 14h-17h: Analysis of Experimental Data: Coat Color in Snowshoe hares.  
3h-Exam, no documents allowed.


Monday October 3, 9-12h: Genetics and the Genotype-Phenotype Relationship (Course), Mapping the genes underlying phenotypic variation (Course)
Monday October 3, 14h-17h: Gephebase (Course and Practicals), The Loci of Insect Evolution (Homework)
For Oct 10, please do the Genetics Exercices (pages 1-2 of this document).
Monday October 10, 9-12h: Manipulating DNA, CRISPR and gene drive (Course)
Monday October 10, 14h-17h: Correction of the Genetics Exercices, Interactions between several loci, Epistasis, Super Genes, Pleiotropy (Course)
For Oct 17, prepare a 5-min presentation on one topic related to “The Loci of Insect Evolution”. Include your graph/table and name in the Homework Google Document.
Monday October 17, 9h-10h30: The Loci of Insect Evolution – Student Presentations and Discussion – Part I
Monday October 17, 10h30-12h: Genetic screens, Noise, Cryptic Variation, Robustness, Quantitative Genetics (Course)
Monday October 17, 14h-15h: The Loci of Insect Evolution – Student Presentations and Discussion – Part II
Monday October 17, 15h-17h: Phylogenetic trees and their interpretations (Course, Practicals, Correction)
For Oct 24, please read “Gene editing is not “precision breeding” and the term is misleading” and prepare several arguments for/against using the term “precision breeding”.
Monday October 24, 9h-11h30: The Genetic Basis of Phenotypic Plasticity (Course Jean-Michel Gibert) on Zoom (link).
Monday October 24, 11h30-12h: Discussion on “Gene editing is not “precision breeding” and the term is misleading”
Monday October 24, 14h-16h: Hugues Roest-Crollius course (on Zoom, see Moodle)
Wednesday October 26, 9h-12h: Analysis of Experimental Data: Coat Color in Snowshoe hares
Thursday November 17, 14h-17h: Exam, no documents allowed.

Annals (1h30 exams)

2023 – Yellow parrots (with correction)
2022 – Leaf butterflies (with correction)
2021 – Pigmentation in canaries (with correction)
2020 – Evolution of Drosophila glue (with correction)
2019 – Evolution of ladybirds
2018 – Variation in leaf shape in Capsella


November 2019 PDF Presentations

Genetic bases of phenotypic plasticity (Jean-Michel Gibert)

The Genotype-Phenotype Map for Shape: Insights from Morphogenesis (Alexis Matamoro-Vidal)

Coloration: a great system to study genotype-phenotype relationships (Thibault Lorin)


Short exercices

Various genetics exercices
SARS-CoV-2 sequences Practical
Red and green aphids, polar bears, evolution of lice, Cytochrome b and fungicide resistance (3h) PDF
2020 exercices: polar bears, evolution of lice, Cytochrome b and fungicide resistance PDF


Analysis of experimental data

Evolution of coat color in snowshoe hares
Evolution of polyphenism in the Lepidoptera Manduca sexta

Practicals “Evolution and origins of SARS-CoV-2”

Each student should choose a topic, prepare and present it to the class. SARS-CoV-2 Practicals Text .odt file.

Gephebase practicals 2019: transposable elements in evolutionary changes

Google document
Gephebase entries related to transposable elements


Gephebase practicals 2018: transitions and transversions in evolutionary changes